16 affordable housing units will be available on the Onedia Nation reservation by 2026 thanks to a federal grant, announced Friday. PC: Fox 11 Online
ONEIDA, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — By 2026, more than a dozen, brand-new affordable homes to rent and own will be available on the Oneida Reservation.
The buildings are being made possible through the Indian Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD).
Across the U.S., HUD awarded 41 grants to tribal communities, with $20 million dollars awarded in the state of Wisconsin.
Oneida Nation’s grant for the project was $6M.
Federal leaders visiting the reservation today say it’s just a small step, but a step in the right direction.
“The issue of overcrowding is especially acute in Indian country and that’s why the Indian housing block grant exists,” said HUD’s Richard Monocchio, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the department.
“We know how much more is needed and we are working every day to make sure that more housing funding in terms of development and preservation of housing can be made available nationwide and to tribal entities.”
The development will build 16 homes in total, some for rent and some for home ownership.
Tribal leaders say HUD has had an impact on the reservation for decades.
“Oneida housing began in the early 1960s when HUD provided funds for low-income rentals in an area known as site one,” said Tehassi Hill, Oneida Nation’s Chairman.
“HUD has provided homes here in Oneida for approximately 60 years and this $6M will help us continue to provide homes here into the future. The mission of the Oneida comprehensive housing is to provide safe and affordable housing opportunities within the reservation boundaries for enrolled Oneida members.”
Oneida Nation leaders say construction is slated to begin next month, and all units are expected to be completed by June of 2026.