Greater Green Bay Chamber has a "Your Move Green Bay" brand this is being used to help attract and retain talent in the area. PC: Fox 11 Online
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – U.S. News and World Report has ranked Green Bay as one of the number one places to live in the country. But, even with that distinction, it might not be enough to attract and retain new talent to the area.
From tech to manufacturing to food, education and healthcare — businesses and industries across Northeast Wisconsin are always looking to attract new talent. And, with unemployment low in the region, filling open positions is always a challenge.
“The talent market has been tight really even before COVID and then after that. We’re just continuing to see an unemployment rate in Northeast Wisconsin that hovers around 2-2.5%. We’re seeing it impact all sectors, right. Everyone is struggling to figure out where that next talent comes from,” said Eric Vanden Heuvel, vice president of talent and education with the Greater Green Bay Chamber.
As part of its strategic plan to help businesses and industries in the region, attract talent, the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce has been utilizing its “Your Move Green Bay” brand.
While companies and businesses can highlight what makes them special and attractive to perspective employees, “Your Move Green Bay” is a resource that helps to highlight Northeast Wisconsin as a place with high quality of life, with great employers, a place where people want to come and call home.
According to Vanden Heuvel, “Your Move Green Bay” brand is where people can go to get more information. They can learn about our neighborhoods, they can learn about our businesses, they can learn about our schools. What is it like to live here.”
Casey Crowe has worked in HR for KI for a little more than a year. She lives in Appleton, but is considering a move to Green Bay.
Through the “Your Move Green Bay” brand she was able to not only explore the online resources, but she was able to connect with someone to talk one-on-one about what the area has to offer.
“She was able to share so much about the school system, questions I had, things that are up and coming in Green Bay that I wasn’t aware of and could really speak to certain areas of Green Bay that really match my interests so now as I’m looking ahead to where me and my family may move I have a much better idea of what parts of Green Bay I’d love to be in,” said Crowe.
Even before the success Casey Crowe saw with the “Your Move Green Bay” program KI saw the value of the brand and they look forward to continuing to use it moving forward as they look to attract and retain new talent.
She added, “We’re just scratching the surface of how we could use the program to recruit outside of the area but it’s something we definitely want to leverage and keep in mind for our teams and continue to offer to candidates as we get to that point as they’re considering to move to Green Bay that there’s this awesome resource so they can get connected and learn more.”
Leading to talent coming and staying in the region.