The Wisconsin State Capitol dome in Madison. PC: Fox 11 Online
APPLETON, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Wisconsin’s new legislative maps are shaking up the state’s political makeup.
The maps, which were drawn by Governor Evers and passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature, are creating a game of chess in terms of who is running for which district.
A Democrat is throwing her hat into the ring for Wisconsin’s new 18th Senate District.
“I would’ve ran for it no matter what. If 19, if I would’ve stayed in 19, then I would’ve been on the ticket in two years because I believe this is the right answer,” said Kristen Alfheim, a Democratic candidate for the 18th District. “I believe I’m the right person to help Wisconsin make that turn into cooperative effort for the people.”
Alfheim, an Appleton alderperson, officially announced her plans on running for state Senate on Thursday. The new Senate District 18 includes Appleton, Neenah, and Oshkosh. Before Evers signed his version of the maps earlier this month, the 18th district included Oshkosh and Fond du Lac.
Republican state Senator Dan Feyen currently holds the 18th District seat. But under the new maps, Feyen says he will be running for the 20th District.
In a release earlier this week, Feyen said in part:
We have had great success in the district but now the lines have been changed and Fond du Lac, my hometown, is now part of the 20th Senate District.
Right now, Senate District 20 is held by Duey Stroebel. His communications team says he will be running for the 8th District seat. Dan Knodl, who is currently the state senator for the 8th District, is instead running for the 24th Assembly District.
“Some of these folks that are moving to a quote-unquote ‘new district’ really isn’t a new district because many of those same constituents are the people that they represent right now, it’s just a different number,” said Republican strategist Mark Graul.
According to Marquette University Law School, any pickup by Democrats in the state Senate would end the super majority by Republicans.
That means new faces could be making decisions in the Wisconsin state Legislature after You Decide 2024.
Even-numbered state Senate districts are up for election this November. Odd-numbered districts will be on the ballot in 2026.