Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) — With the August Primary just days away, there’s a strong focus on how Green Bay will handle things this time around.
The April Election in Green Bay was criticized both locally and nationally after lines of up to four hours long were reported after the city consolidated to just two polling locations due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mayor Eric Genrich took a lot of the blame, but he says the August 11th partisan primary is going to be different.
“We are going to have 17 polling locations, so we’ll have those up and running throughout the City of Green Bay,” Genrich told WTAQ on Thursday. “We also have seen an enormous response to the to the call for absentee voting.”
A lack of poll workers was also blamed in April after Genrich refused the help of the Wisconsin National Guard in manning the polls.
“We have submitted a request for National Guardsmen and women to come and assist for the election,” said Genrich.
“We want to have a safe, secure, successful election,” he added. “It will be a good test run for November.”
Genrich says the city has a “sufficient” number of poll workers, but they’re still looking to add more.