A display promoting the 2025 NFL Draft is shown at Lambeau Field May 24, 2023. PC: Fox 11 Online
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – Green Bay is on the clock.
The “Discover Green Bay” website shows over 250 businesses and residents registered to park vehicles, for a fee, on their property for the draft. While many of them are within the stadium district, some are farther out.
Notre Dame Academy is 1.3 miles from Lambeau Field. It’s registered, with Discover Green Bay, as a potential parking location for Draft attendees.
“We’ve got this big student lot, we’re not going to be in school for a couple of days, let’s look at this as an option,” said Athletic Director Matt Koenig.
While parking could be available at Notre Dame, as of right now, transportation from the school to the Draft footprint is not. It’s something that will play a key role in the school’s final decision on whether or not to park cars here.
According to Koenig, “A lot of it depends on some of the other groups that are going to be offering shuttles. If we can get onto their shuttle routes to help that will be a factor.”
St. Joseph Catholic Church on 9th Street sits a mile and a half away from the north entrance for the draft. Church officials believe they can part about 120 cars on their property.
The church recently teaming up with a local youth organization to offer not only food and drink to parkers, but also a shuttle service, for an additional fee, in a 12 passenger van, to a destination closer to the draft footprint.
“Our intentions are to start the shuttles at about 10 in the morning and run the shuttles until late afternoon, assuming exact schedules haven’t been determined yet, but generically talked about going every half hour or 45 minutes,” said parishioner Bill Popp.
As of mid-March, but always subject to change, St. Joseph won’t shuttle people back to the church at the end of the night. Bill Popp referring people to the city bus stop in front of the church property.
He said, “There will be buses, the city buses will be out. We haven’t seen a schedule on that yet and the Lyfts and Ubers will be there.”
Green Bay Metro says it will be running routes during the draft, but has yet to announce a schedule.
The Brown County Tavern league says it will be running some sort of shuttle service for the draft. The President of the tavern league confirms it has secured 40 vans for the weekend to drive people around — exact routes and more details to come.