Parise Larry Jr. PC: Fox 11 Online
FOND DU LAC, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Parise Larry, the 14-year-old suspect in a Fond du Lac murder, was ordered Thursday to stand trial.
After testimony Thursday by a police detective, Larry was bound over for trial. No arraignment date was immediately set, court records show.
Larry faces eight charges, including first-degree intentional homicide, for the May 7 death of Tatyanna Zech at the Maplewood Commons apartment complex.
Police are still searching for co-defendant Antonio Johnston, 17.
In Wisconsin, those ages 10 and older charged with most homicide counts are charged in adult court. All 17-year-olds are charged in adult court.
The criminal complaint indicates Larry and Johnston had been involved in a dispute with an 18-year-old man at the apartment. That man, who was shot in the upper body and hospitalized, told investigators he believed he was the target.
The complaint says the conflict started when Johnston exchanged words with the man on the complex grounds.
Following that exchange, the complaint says the man began walking toward Johnston. That’s when Johnston is seen on security camera footage pulling out a pistol and firing multiple rounds toward the man.
Police say Larry was also firing shots towards the man.
Security cameras captured Zech falling to the ground, and everyone else running away.
The complaint goes on to say the supposed target was running away when he turned and fired at least one shot back towards Johnston. At some point, he was also injured.
Adamite Willey and Lamarion Moore were later charged with attempted homicide for allegedly firing shots at a car they believed was involved in the original confrontation. In that case, the criminal complaint states “It is believed that Larry and Johnston are members of (one gang) and an alleged victim of the May 7 shooting is a member of (another gang).”