GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – The group tasked with right-sizing the Green Bay Area Public School District’s facilities has chosen a plan to recommend to the school board next month.
The task force selected the plan referred to as Schema 12. It closes 12 buildings, including six west side elementary schools, the district office building and Washington Middle School.
The plan has been tweaked since it was discussed at the last task force meeting to include some students at Preble High School being shifted to East High School and East students shifting to West High School. Some West students would then shift to Southwest High School.
None of this is final, but the plan will be presented to the school board next month.
The school board then hopes to finalize a plan with a vote in June.
“It both saves the district quite a bit of money. They’re in a structural deficit right now. The board asked us to find a plan that would save 10% in operating costs going forward,” said task force member Eric Hagedorn.
“This plan saves 13%, but beyond the money savings, I think this plan is actually going to be better for students going forward. We’re going to shut down a few buildings that are in pretty bad states of repair. We’re going to have a new elementary school on the west side that I really think is going to be an excellent educational option.”
Leaders of the task force say the draft will still be tweaked moving forward before it is presented to the board.
“The district is facing declining enrollment,” said Josh Patchak, Chief Operations Office for the district.
“We’re also facing a large budget deficit in the future. So, in order to address the budget deficit, we need to right size our operations. So, we have an opportunity to do that here while still making improvements to our facilities.”
Under the plan, the buildings for Macarthur, Kennedy, Keller, Elmore, Tank, Beaumont, Doty, and Wequiock Elementary schools would close. So would the buildings for Leonardo da Vinci, Minoka-Hill. Washington Middle, and the district office.
“I think we’re really going to be able to invest in the buildings that remain open,” said Hagedorn.
“We’re going to be able to spend some dollars and maybe make the classrooms best for students everywhere rather than having a bunch of schools where all the classrooms are 60% full, having a few fewer schools, but having 80-90% full in every building meaning you can actually spend more on teachers and more on students and on education.”
The district is planning to hold table top discussions and a public forum before the school board makes a final vote in June. Parents with students at schools on the chopping block say they’re ready to share their thoughts.
“Some of the issues are a lack of communication to the general public as to what’s going on and I think that’s what the parents and the parent-teacher organization at da Vinci has experienced at this point,” said Paul Kardish, a parent of a da Vinci school student.
The plan also calls for a new west side elementary school and Franklin, Langlade, and McAuliffe schools converting to Kindergarten through 8th grade models.
At least 16 schools would either need an addition for more classrooms, secure entry upgrades, or a gym addition.
Table Top Discussions
Table Top Discussions will begin with a presentation of the Task Force recommendations by the group that has led the Task Force work (ATS&R). Participants will be assigned to a table and participate in a facilitated discussion about the recommendations. These opportunities allow individuals to not only share their thoughts and opinions, but to also hear each other’s perspectives. Notes will be collected and shared with the Board of Education.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
West High School Commons, 966 Shawano Avenue
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
East High School Commons, 1415 E. Walnut Street
Public Forum
This event will be held at Washington Middle School’s auditorium. Entrance to the school is in the parking lot behind the building. Each individual who signs up to speak will be given three minutes to share their feedback to the Board. The Board of Education will be present to listen only. Individuals wishing to speak will sign up in the auditorium foyer between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. The forum will last until everyone who has signed up has had an opportunity to speak.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Washington Middle School auditorium, 314 S. Baird Street