Edison Middle School in Green Bay, seen May 9, 2023. PC: Fox 11 Online
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — A student’s social media post displaying what turned out to be a toy gun was the subject of an investigation Wednesday by Green Bay police and school district officials.
According to a letter sent to Edison Middle School families and staff, administrators were made aware of a Snapchat post by a student that displayed a gun.
The photo was “thoroughly investigated” and authorities determined the post depicted a toy gun, not a real gun, and there was no credible threat to safety.
The situation will be addressed in accordance with school board policy, the letter says.
Student and staff safety is our highest priority, and we take every threat seriously. Please remind your students of the importance of sharing with an adult when they hear or see something. We ask that students REPORT, not REPOST.
Parents and guardians are also encouraged to talk to their children about the serious nature of making threats, whether they be verbal, written or posted to social media.
“All threats are investigated by administrators in collaboration with the GBPD. Students who make threats, even in jest, are subject to very serious consequences, including up to criminal charges,” the letter states.