WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2024 — The Scientific Report of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is now available on DietaryGuidelines.gov. The report contains the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s (Committee) independent, evidence-based findings and advice to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Scientific Report, alongside public comments and federal agency input, will inform the two departments as they develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2025-2030, which is expected to be published in late 2025.
“The Dietary Guidelines serve as the foundation for national nutrition programs, standards, and education. They provide health professionals with guidance and resources to assist the public in choosing an overall healthy diet that works for them. And they help HHS, USDA, and others in the federal government to tailor our policies to best serve the American people,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “This report will help to ensure that the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines is based on current scientific evidence and medical knowledge, and that future guidelines factors in socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, and culture. I want to thank the Committee for all their hard work, as well as the American people for sharing their voice with us in this process. Together, we can help Americans enjoy a healthy diet, and the health benefits that are possible as a result.”
The 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s work is notable for its intentional focus on health equity to ensure that factors such as socioeconomic position, race, ethnicity, and culture were considered to the greatest extent possible. The Committee also expanded the scope of evidence reviewed beyond recommended amounts and types of foods to also include strategies to effectively promote healthy dietary patterns across the lifespan.
“USDA and HHS are excited to begin the next phase to develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as we all work together to ensure that children, individuals, and families across the country have access to nutritious, safe and affordable food,” said USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. “We are appreciative of the independent Committee’s scientific expertise, dedication, and thoughtful deliberation and collaboration. We are also thankful to the organizations and individuals who submitted public comments and provided an essential voice to the Committee’s process, and we look forward to receiving additional public comments on the findings released with this Scientific Report.
HHS and USDA will open a 60-day public comment period and encourage the public to provide written comments on the Committee’s Scientific Report. The departments will also hold a public meeting on January 16, 2025, to listen to oral comments from the public on the Scientific Report. Pre-registration is required for the public meeting. More information on the public meeting and comment period is available on DietaryGuidelines.gov.
The Committee’s Scientific Report will be a key resource considered by HHS and USDA as the two departments jointly develop the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the nation’s go-to source for nutrition guidance. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is updated every five years and serves as the cornerstone of federal nutrition programs and policies, providing food-based recommendations to help prevent diet-related chronic diseases and promote overall health.
The Scientific Report is the result of a multi-year process that reflects HHS and USDA’s commitment to transparency. In 2022 HHS and USDA invited members of the public to submit comments on the proposed scientific questions to be examined by the Committee. In addition, all members of the Committee were nominated by the public. To increase public engagement, live and recorded access to each of the Committee’s seven public meetings has been available online via videocast, and HHS and USDA encouraged the public to submit written and oral comments to the Committee for more than 18 months throughout the Committee’s deliberative process. The Committee received approximately 9,900 public comments, more than any other prior Committee, which were used to inform its evidence review and the development of its Scientific Report.