Keilana Brunette leaves a Brown County courtroom Oct. 4, 2024 after her sentencing for her role in the murder of Braxton Phillips. PC: Fox 11 Online
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Keilana Brunette was sentenced Friday to six years in prison for her actions after a murder at an Ashwaubenon apartment.
Brunette, 22, was convicted of three counts of aiding a felon, and three counts of obstruction of an officer, in connection with the March 1, 2023 murder of Braxton Phillips at an Ashwaubenon apartment. She destroyed evidence and obstructed police, according to the complaint.
Prez Wade was convicted of first-degree reckless homicide for the incident at Creekwood Apartments. Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 22.
Brunette was also placed on extended supervision for five years, followed by five years of probation during Friday’s hearing by Judge Beau Liegeois.
Before the sentence was issued, Brunette apologized for her role in the case.
Prez admitted to the shooting when police interviewed him eight days after the murder, according to a 37-page criminal complaint, saying it was accidental.
“Prez stated he was sitting like this as he held up his left arm as if he had his arm around (Phillips) and had his right hand like Prez was holding a gun. Prez stated, ‘I pulled the trigger, boom’ and then (Phillips) started to yell and got up and ran to the door. Prez stated he just sat there shocked because he thought (Phillips) was faking. Prez stated (Phillips) ran to the door and stated, ‘I’m shot [*****]’,’ ran back in front of him and dropped,” the complaint states.
One witness told police Prez was upset with Phillips for being close with Brunette, who is the mother of Wade’s child.
“Prez told him he had thought about shooting (Phillips) before it actually happened. WITNESS 1 stated (Phillips) started to get involved in Prez and Keilana’s relationship,” the complaint states.
The same witness told police there were two guns in the apartment, but Wade made sure the one Phillips had was empty so he couldn’t shoot back, according to the complaint.