MADISON – Wisconsin fourth and fifth grade writers have a chance to win a Flex Farm hydroponic growing system for their school, when they submit an essay entry to the Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Essay Contest.
The annual essay contest hosted by Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom and Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation invites students in both public and private Wisconsin schools to explore an aspect of the food and fiber that is grown and produced by Wisconsin farmers. For the past fifteen years, young writers have explored topics from health to harvest equipment, popcorn to potatoes, and all types of agriculture in between. This year’s contest honors the sweetest of Wisconsin’s agriculture commodities: fruit.
This giveaway is supported by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation and Fork Farms – the maker of the Flex Farm system.
“Wisconsin’s unique landscape and cultural heritage have directly contributed to the diverse agricultural crops and products that are grown and produced in our communities,” said Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Coordinator Beth Schaefer. “Fork Farms is one of the newest agriculture innovators to call our state home, and we are proud to partner and offer a new giveaway as part of this annual essay contest.”
Essay entries are due April 15. Students can enter their essays online at or send them directly to their local county Farm Bureau. Each qualifying student essay entry received from public or private schools in Wisconsin will count as one entry for the giveaway drawing that will be held the week of May 20, 2024. Full contest details and rules can be found at
An additional opportunity to win the Flex Farm is being offered to educators who participate in “Fruit Fest” at Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center. The event for educators is being held on February 19, and offers educators the opportunity to learn more about hydroponic plant production and agriculture as a context for teaching core subjects including science, social studies and English Language Arts. Event information and details are found at
Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program provides teachers and K-12 students with an understanding of how their food is produced. The program seeks to work within existing curricula to provide basic information on our nation’s largest industry: agriculture. Wisconsin’s Ag in the Classroom program is carried out by a network of local educators, volunteers and representatives from agricultural organizations and businesses. The goal of the program is to help students gain a greater awareness of the role of agriculture in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies.