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GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) — An intergovernmental agreement between the City of Green Bay and the Oneida Nation was signed Thursday morning at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens.
Oneida Nation Chairman Tehassi Hill says it mostly about the small things: zoning, trash pickup, lawn mowing.
“It’s a great opportunity for our two governments to come together,” Hill told WTAQ. “To figure out how to handle disputes that come through our overlapping jurisdictions.”
The agreement replaces an agreement that expired a few years back after the city pulled out of negotiations.
Hill says it’s still rare that the governments come into conflict.
“The last time we really looked into it between the city of Green Bay, I think there was like maybe 10 complaints in a year,” Hill said.
The agreement recognizes the wide array of services the Oneida Nation and City of Green Bay provide to a shared community.