Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich (R) and Bellevue Village President Steve Soukup (L) sign documents during a merger ceremony between the two departments on November 13th, 2020. (WTAQ/Rob Sussman)
BELLEVUE, WI (WTAQ) –The Green Bay Metro Fire Department is growing a little bit larger.
Documents were signed Friday afternoon by Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich and Bellevue Village President Steve Soukop to merge the Village of Bellevue’s fire department with their larger neighbor.
“We are proud to be merging with every single member of the Bellevue Fire Department,” Green Bay Fire Chief Dave Litton said during the ceremony. “Bringing on their full time staff into their ranks is very important to us.”
The Bellevue Fire Department’s full-time staff along with their equipment will become part of Green Bay Metro Fire Department. Bellevue Fire Station #1 will become Green Bay Metro Fire Station #9. Part-time staff will get a chance to compete for several open full-time positions at GBMFD.
Litton says the merger will improve response times in the village.
“If there is a working structure fire, our response to that is four fire engines, a ladder truck, two ambulances and a battalion chief,” explained Litton. “24 personnel will be here in under 9 minutes, every single time. That is not the case today.”
The improved response time is not a one-way street, however. The Bellevue Fire Station can also respond to certain areas in the City of Green Bay faster than any current Green Bay fire station.
“They can get into the I-43 business park, they can get into McAullife Park…faster or as fast as some of our other stations,” said Litton.
Bellevue’s second fire station, long in need of repair, will be decommissioned with service provided instead by the nearby Allouez Fire Station–Green Bay Metro Fire Station #8. The Allouez Fire Department merged with Green Bay Metro Fire in a similar manner back in 2012.
As with the Allouez merger, firefighters and equipment operating out of the soon-to-be Station #9 will still maintain the Bellevue Fire Department’s logos and livery.
The merger will be official January 1st of next year.