GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) – Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher has won another reelection campaign. This will be Gallagher’s third term serving Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District.
“Thank you to the phenomenal talented people of northeast Wisconsin for sending me back to Congress for another 2 years to fight for them…I’m incredibly proud that we ran a purely positive campaign. A campaign focused on the issues, focused on how we can help Wisconsin families and businesses,” Gallagher said in a video statement. “[Even though] we’re not having a big party, election day is still a special day. It’s a day when every individual is as powerful as the president, it’s a day that reminds us of how lucky we are to be Americans – where we the people are in charge.”
Gallagher defeated challenger Amanda Stuck of Appleton. He led 65% to 35% early into Wednesday morning.
He also shared optimism for a better future.
“We’ve been through some very difficult times as a community, as a state, as a country. But I’m confident that we will get through them. We’ll get through them stronger than ever as Americans always have when confronted with a crisis,” Gallagher said. “With coronavirus, the economic uncertainty caused by coronavirus, increasing political polarization – but I would contend that Americans, and Wisconsinites in particular, always rise to these challenges. I’m confident that we can emerge from this as a stronger community.”
But he says no matter what the results of any political race end up being, or whether or not ‘your candidate wins,’ it’s important to come together to make positive change.
“Sure we have disagreements, sure we don’t see eye-to-eye all the time politically – but we treat our neighbors with respect. Because at the end of the day, we’re all Americans, and that should unite us,” Gallagher said. “They should end with us coming together as a country and thinking about how we can make this country a little more perfect than how we found it.”
WTAQ initially reported the race being called just after 10:00 PM, but Gallagher’s campaign waited for Stuck to concede the race before making any official comments.
“God bless America. And thank you, thank you, thank you Northeast Wisconsin,” Gallagher said.
Gallagher will appear on the WTAQ Morning News with Matt and Earl at 6:45 AM Wednesday morning.