APPLETON, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – An arts & craft event in Appleton on Sunday… President Trump style.
“We got a group of people in who are very passionate about President Trump’s reelection. And we’re just doing some sign detail,” Jerry Murphy said. “We have a lot of people coming in to pick up yard signs and bumper stickers.”
Trump supporters like Nate Gustafson, tells FOX 11 they want to be sure Trump can see their allegiance, when he stops in Oshkosh today.
“It’s really to promote, to make sure that he knows we’re behind him and we’re going to help him carry over Wisconsin in November.”
Rachael Cabral-Guevara took part in making signs. The republican nominee for the 55th State Assembly District seat has had some of her own campaign signs vandalized. She hopes these signs won’t be battered.
“People are doing other things like moving them closer to their homes, they’re putting them up on roofs, some of them are just watching them more closely with trail cams and such.”
Matt Lederer is the county party chair of the Democratic Party of Outagamie County.
“Signs don’t vote, people do,” Lederer said. “For me, the signs are a nice way to show support, but I’m more interested in people doing the work and getting out there and making sure the voters get to the polls and let their voices be heard.”
Amanda Stuck, the Democratic nominee for the 8th congressional district, tells FOX 11 Trump’s visit is telling.
“I just think it highlights how important northeast Wisconsin is going to be in this election. Truly, the path to the Presidency runs through northeast Wisconsin. We have to work as hard as they are, on the democratic side, because this really will be a dog fight to the end in this race.”
The President is expected to speak at Basler Flight Service on Monday afternoon.
It’ll be his second visit to the Badger State this summer.
He’s also going to be in Minnesota today and Arizona on Tuesday.
A Marquette University Law School poll last week has Joe Biden leading Trump in Wisconsin 49% to 44% among likely voters.
Former vice president Biden’s campaign is promoting virtual events aimed at Wisconsin voters.