Chuck Schumer and company claimed that Trump and the GOP Senate have “captured” various courts in the United States.
The Democrat Party's propagandists in the mainstream media, specifically those at NBC News, added to it, by claiming that Republicans are “court-packing.”
Let's go ahead and explain this for Chuck Schumer, the rest of the Senate Democrats, and the fake news artists at NBC. We'll do so in plain terms, so hopefully even the aforementioned individuals and groups can understand.
On November 8, 2016, the American Electoral College spoke loud and clear in saying that it wanted Donald Trump to be the next POTUS.
In recent years, voters in various legislative elections have stated that they want the U.S. Senate to have a Republican majority.
Based on these realities, this means that the American people have said they want a Republican President nominating judges/justices and a Republican Senate voting upon those nominations.
This is how it should be in the United States. The law-abiding, taxpaying citizenry should get to call the shots in our government.
And in this current reality, the American people have gotten it right, in terms of what is best for the United States.
President Trump has nominated, and the Republican-led Senate has confirmed, Constitutionalist judges and justices, who put the Constitution above all politics, as is the job of all our judges and justices.
What Trump and the GOP Senate are working toward in these nominations and subsequent confirmations is ensuring that Republicans don't always win and that Democrats don't always win. Rather, they're working to ensure that the Constitution always wins, as should be the case.
So, no, Chuck Schumer, it's not Republicans “capturing” the courts. It's the will of voters winning out.
And, no, NBC, it's not “court-packing.” Trump and the GOP Senate are simply filling vacancies. They're not adding to the courts, in an effort to shift the balance of the court, just so they can illegitimately get their way.
The latter is what various top Democrats have called for during the 2020 election cycle, and it's appalling that they have done as much. It's one of the main reasons that this self-serving, far-left Democrat Party should be rejected by the voters on November 3.
When NBC claims that Trump and the Republicans are “court-packing,” they're merely projecting their own party's desires onto their innocent political adversaries, something today's Democrat elites do quite frequently.
Chuck Schumer and his friends are simply throwing a temper tantrum, out of anger that the voters of this country have rightfully rejected their anti-American party, keeping them from the power they desire.